omg.. i like the new year's game nieh.. best gile when we heard a lot of opinion from ur fren about u! so this is the game..
Hey guys, wanna play a game? :) inbox me any number between 1 to 5000 and i'll make my status your number. From that,i will tell you what i really think about you. This game really fun cuz only you and me know what ur number is !!
and then this is a few of respons that i got from my frens, wat they think about me, kinda sweet.. hehe..
"Oh Shorty but Great Guy. My fans which ikot2 my hair style lately. haha. Eyh! lama tak lepak, Once u said I'm fat, then after met, U kinda surprised how tough i am right?! hahaha. But, thnx for blanje aku makan time takde duit. Jasamu dikenang"
"pernah lepak sekali je kan. haha i think you're a cool person lah. kalau boleh nanti lepak lagi. ohh you pun mcm baik orang nya dan agak bersopan santun haha x sngka u kecik lagi drpd i haha :P"
"hihi... 1st time kenal mase bday party kwn skola rendah.. tak berborak pon sbb aku yang malu kot..yela baru jmpe kan.heeeeeee.. tapi dia ni memang senyum memanjang, nampak cam ceria je org nye. all i know is that he's very gud in what he's doing rite now, creative and berbakat in designing etc.. and pandai posing.. =)"
"dulu time aku x da transport ko la tolong aku..hahahha...msg je..ble masa dan waktu kalu x de hal mesti tolongnya...balik kelas je mesti bg aku tumpang balik...sonok kawan ngan ko..walaupn kta x "setaraf' ahhahahaa.."
"mse bulan pose taun lpas, ade la mamat nie, jnji ngn aku nk bgi sample kuih rye "almond LONDON' yg kkak die wat...aku tggu punye la tggu, tpi xde pon die bgi..last2 ble dh msuk rye ke brape ntah bru die mncul bgi kuih 2...hahhaha~~~komfim2 aku xbeli la dh lpas rye, nk bgi sape mkn??kahkahkah"
"haha...well...kenal dia dah 2 thun kot msuk dis year....agak giler2...haha...itu aq suka!...haha...pape pun...ske kutuk dia ...hahahaha...jgn mara.... :D"
kwn terbaik aku edisi lelaki setakat kwn ngan ko dari sekolah lagi.ape yg aku suke pasal ko ialah ko cool, baik hati, hormat org lain, & jenis x kesah.kalau ade org lain cari pasal ngan ko/buat taik ngan ko, aku rase org tu memang bodoh giler."
i will update from time to time so keep in touch..~ =)
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